Veldar system

From 7019
A city on Veldar Prime


The Veldar System is an independent solar system known for its highly aggressive yet relatively low-tech civilization. Located on the fringes of explored space, the Veldar System remains sovereign, choosing to operate within its own boundaries and following a unique path of development. The inhabitants of this system, referred to as Veldarians, have a reputation for their fierce independence, martial prowess, and strong adherence to their traditional ways.

Location and Composition

  • Star: The system is centered around the star Veldar, a mid-sized, yellow dwarf star.
  • Planets: The system consists of five planets, with the primary inhabited world being Veldar Prime. The other planets serve as outposts, resource mines, and military training grounds.

Veldar Prime

  • Terrain: Veldar Prime is a rugged planet with diverse terrains, including vast deserts, dense forests, and mountainous regions. The planet's harsh environments have shaped its inhabitants into resilient and hardy people.
  • Population: The population of Veldar Prime is concentrated in fortified city-states, each governed by a warlord. These city-states are often in conflict with each other, vying for resources and dominance.

Society and Culture

  • Martial Tradition: The Veldarians are a warrior society, placing great emphasis on martial skills, strength, and honor. From a young age, Veldarians are trained in combat, survival, and tactics.
  • Aggressive Expansion: Historically, the Veldarians have sought to expand their territory through conquest, leading to frequent skirmishes and wars both within the system and with neighboring systems.
  • Low-Tech Orientation: Despite their aggressive nature, the Veldarians have relatively low levels of technological advancement. They rely on traditional weapons and tactics, favoring brute force over technological innovation.


  • Warlord Rule: Each city-state on Veldar Prime is ruled by a warlord, who holds absolute power within their territory. Warlords are chosen through combat trials, and their authority is maintained through strength and fear.
  • Council of War: In times of external threat, the warlords convene a Council of War to coordinate their efforts. This council is a temporary alliance, often fraught with tension and infighting.

Military and Defense

  • Armored Infantry: The Veldarian military relies heavily on armored infantry, equipped with robust, low-tech armor and melee weapons. They are known for their fearsome charges and close-quarters combat skills.
  • Fortified Cities: Veldarian cities are heavily fortified, with massive walls, defensive towers, and siege engines. These fortifications are designed to withstand prolonged assaults.
  • Raiding Fleets: Despite their low-tech nature, the Veldarians have developed raiding fleets capable of interplanetary travel. These fleets conduct raids on neighboring systems to capture resources and slaves.


  • Resource Extraction: The economy of the Veldar System is based on the extraction and trade of natural resources. Mines on the outer planets produce valuable minerals, which are traded with other systems for goods and technology.
  • Barter System: Within the system, a barter economy prevails. Goods and services are exchanged directly, often through negotiations and haggling.

Relations with Other Systems

  • Isolationist Stance: The Veldar System maintains an isolationist stance, preferring to deal with other systems on its own terms. Diplomatic relations are minimal, and trade is conducted primarily through intermediaries.
  • Reputation: The Veldarians are viewed with caution and often fear by neighboring systems due to their aggressive behavior and martial prowess. Their reputation as fierce warriors precedes them, influencing how other systems interact with them.

Notable Features

The Iron Citadel

The Iron Citadel is the largest and most formidable city-state on Veldar Prime. Ruled by the warlord Korrak the Unyielding, the Iron Citadel serves as a hub of military activity and the seat of the Council of War during times of crisis.

The Blood Plains

A vast, arid desert known for the numerous battles fought on its sands, the Blood Plains are a symbol of the Veldarians' martial heritage. It is here that the combat trials for new warlords are held, ensuring that only the strongest lead.

The Great Forge

Located on one of the outer planets, the Great Forge is the primary source of the Veldarians' weapons and armor. This massive industrial complex operates continuously, producing the tools of war that sustain their aggressive expansion.


The Veldar System stands as a testament to the diverse paths that civilizations can take in the vast expanse of space. Despite their low-tech orientation, the Veldarians' aggressive nature, martial traditions, and strong sense of independence have allowed them to carve out a place for themselves on the fringes of the known universe. Their continued isolation and reputation for ferocity ensure that they remain a significant, if volatile, presence within the broader tapestry of interstellar civilizations.