
From 7019
An Umbraxian

Umbraxians (Dark Matter Entities)

Umbraxians are enigmatic beings that exist near dark matter concentrations and the very edges of black holes. They are composed of exotic energies and particles that interact with dark matter, making them unique in the universe.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Form: Umbraxians have a shadowy, amorphous form that fluctuates and shifts, often appearing as silhouettes against the cosmic backdrop. Their bodies are composed of dark energy and exotic particles.
  • Coloration: They emit a faint, dark glow, often tinged with deep purples and blues, making them visible against the darkness of space.

Special Abilities:

  • Dark Matter Manipulation: Umbraxians can manipulate dark matter and dark energy, allowing them to influence gravitational fields and distort space-time around them.
  • Event Horizon Navigation: They can traverse the edges of black holes and move through intense gravitational fields with ease, making them adept at navigating the most extreme environments in the universe.
  • Energy Absorption: Umbraxians can absorb and convert various forms of energy, including light and radiation, which they use to sustain themselves and interact with their surroundings.