Essence Ink of the Weave

Essence Ink of the Weave
Type: Consumable (Ink)
Rarity: Rare
This ink is made from a complex alchemical mixture of Feywild nectar, crushed Arcanite gemstones, and the essence of a Shadowfell wisp. It has a mesmerizing color, shifting between shades of blue, silver, and dark purple, depending on the angle from which you view it. It comes in a beautifully crafted crystal vial sealed with a rune of preservation.
Arcane Scribing: When used to write or draw magical sigils, runes, or arcane circles, the Essence Ink of the Weave enhances the spell's effectiveness. This could mean a 10% longer duration, a 5-foot larger radius, or an additional spell effect, at the discretion of the DM.
Ephemeral Scripts
When used to write notes or letters, the ink will only be visible to those the writer designates (up to a maximum of 3 individuals).
Immutable Records
Scrolls or books written with this ink are resistant to natural wear, tear, and aging. They also cannot be destroyed by non-magical fire or water.
Awakening Inscriptions
If used to inscribe a weapon or piece of armor, the ink grants the item a temporary magical property for 24 hours. The exact property is determined by the DM, but it could be something like a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls or temporary elemental resistance.
Enhanced Enchantments
If used in the process of crafting a magical item, reduce the crafting time by 25% and the cost by 10%.
Due to its potent energies, the ink is unstable. If exposed to anti-magic fields or dispel magic spells, the ink might lose its magical properties, ruining the writing or art it was used for. Furthermore, it's a consumable item, so supplies could be limited.