
From 7019
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Xha’reth: The Ancient Custodians

The Xha’reth are an ancient and highly advanced species that exist on the fringes of known space. Regarded as the original custodians of Ether Magic, they have lived in isolation for millennia, monitoring the cosmic balance from their distant realm. Their emergence in galactic affairs during the Etheric War has cast them as both protectors of the universe and a formidable threat to civilizations that manipulate Ether energy.

Physical Characteristics

  • Etheric Forms: The Xha’reth are unique in their ability to shift between physical and etheric forms. In their natural state, they exist as beings of pure energy, though they can manifest as humanoid shapes when interacting with other species.
  • Phase Shifting: Xha’reth are capable of moving between dimensions, phasing in and out of the etheric plane. This allows them to traverse vast distances and evade most forms of conventional attack.
  • Luminescent Auras: When in their etheric forms, Xha’reth emit a faint, shimmering light, often described as a "ghostly glow." This luminescence intensifies when they are manipulating Ether Magic.


  • Origins: The Xha’reth are believed to have existed long before the rise of most known civilizations. Their exact origins remain shrouded in mystery, but ancient texts suggest they were one of the first species to discover and master the use of Ether Magic, a primordial force that they view as the fundamental energy of the universe.
  • Isolation: For millennia, the Xha’reth remained in isolation, watching as younger civilizations emerged and began to harness Ether Magic for their own purposes. They viewed the widespread use of Ether with increasing concern, fearing that the balance of the universe was being disrupted.
  • Emergence in the Etheric War: The Xha’reth made their presence known to the Celestial Alliance in the year 7019, declaring that Ether Magic was being irresponsibly used and threatening the fabric of reality itself. This sparked the Etheric War, a conflict that pitted the Xha’reth against the Alliance and its Ether Manipulators.

Culture and Philosophy

  • Etheric Purity: Central to Xha’reth culture is the belief in Etheric Purity. They see Ether Magic as a sacred force, one that should be used sparingly and only by those who have attained a deep, spiritual understanding of its intricacies. Any misuse or reckless application of Ether is seen as a violation of this natural order.
  • The Balance: The Xha’reth believe that the universe exists in a delicate balance, with Ether Magic acting as the binding force between matter, energy, and the ethereal plane. Their role as custodians is to maintain this balance, intervening when they perceive the balance to be at risk of collapse.
  • Long-Term Vision: As an ancient species, the Xha’reth have a long-term view of the universe and the passage of time. They are not bound by the urgency or short-term thinking that drives many other species, preferring instead to act with patience and precision over millennia.


  • Etheric Manipulation: The Xha’reth are unrivaled in their mastery of Ether Magic. They can manipulate time, space, and energy on a scale that surpasses even the most skilled Ether Manipulators of the Celestial Alliance. This includes the ability to bend reality itself, alter the flow of time, and sever entire star systems from their etheric connections.
  • Phase Mastery: The Xha’reth's ability to shift between dimensions gives them immense tactical advantages. They can disappear into the etheric plane at will, avoiding harm or reappearing in strategic locations during conflict. This makes them nearly impossible to trap or contain.
  • Temporal Awareness: Due to their deep connection with Ether, the Xha’reth possess a heightened sense of time, able to perceive temporal shifts and foresee potential futures. This awareness allows them to anticipate events and act with foresight, often appearing to know the outcome of battles or diplomatic events before they unfold.

Society and Governance

  • The Eternal Chorus: The governing body of the Xha’reth is known as the Eternal Chorus, a collective of the oldest and most powerful members of their species. The Chorus makes decisions through harmonic resonance, a process of shared thought that transcends speech and time.
  • Etheric Custodianship: Every member of Xha’reth society sees themselves as a custodian of the Ether, with a solemn duty to protect the universe from imbalance. Their hierarchy is based on an individual’s mastery of Ether Magic and their ability to preserve the Etheric Balance.
  • Rituals of Awakening: Xha’reth undergo lengthy rituals to awaken their full etheric potential. These rituals, which can take centuries, involve meditative communion with the etheric plane, allowing them to unlock deeper levels of their abilities.

Conflict with the Celestial Alliance

The Etheric War began when the Xha’reth declared the Celestial Alliance’s use of Ether Magic to be reckless and dangerous. They saw the rapid advancement of Ether-based technology as a destabilizing force, capable of tearing apart the very fabric of the universe. The war became a battle over not just territory or resources, but over the right to control Ether Magic itself.

  • Initial Incursions: The Xha’reth initiated the war by severing Etheric connections to key Alliance systems, causing mass disruption. Entire planets fell into chaos as their technology, reliant on Ether Magic, ceased to function.
  • Diplomatic Efforts: Despite their actions, the Xha’reth remain open to diplomatic efforts, though they are firm in their belief that Ether must be tightly controlled. They have engaged in negotiations with factions of the Alliance, seeking a middle ground that would limit the use of Etheric power.

Notable Figures

  • Eryth Kal, Xha’reth Envoy: Eryth Kal is the principal envoy of the Xha’reth and the primary negotiator in their dealings with the Celestial Alliance. His diplomatic efforts are guided by a rigid adherence to Etheric Purity, and while he is willing to communicate with other species, his patience is finite.
  • Othrys Zhel, Eternal Chorus Member: Othrys Zhel is one of the most powerful members of the Eternal Chorus, known for his role in shaping the Xha’reth's long-term strategy. He is seen as a guardian of the ancient knowledge and a key figure in the Xha’reth’s campaign during the Etheric War.

Legacy and Influence

The Xha’reth, with their mastery of Ether Magic and long-standing role as protectors of cosmic balance, have left an indelible mark on the history of the galaxy. Their conflict with the Celestial Alliance represents a clash of philosophies: the freedom to wield Ether as a tool of progress versus the responsibility to preserve its sanctity.

Their influence extends beyond the battlefield. As the war progresses, other species begin to question their own use of Ether Magic, and some even turn to the Xha’reth for guidance. The Xha’reth remain a reminder that power, no matter how great, must be wielded with care, lest the balance of the universe be forever altered.