The Collective of Commonality

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The Collective of Commonality

Collective of Commonality

The Collective of Commonality is a decentralized group of individuals from various planets and species who prioritize survival, family, and community over grand ideologies or high ideals. They represent the everyday people of the universe, living on the fringes of larger, more powerful factions and choosing to focus on practical, day-to-day existence.


The Collective of Commonality is driven by a simple, pragmatic philosophy: survival and stability. Unlike other factions that pursue ideological, religious, or political goals, the Collective believes that the most important things in life are peace, family, and ensuring the well-being of their communities. They maintain a skeptical view of grand causes, seeing them as disconnected from the struggles of regular people.

Their core tenets include:

  • Survival First: In a universe full of cosmic threats and political upheaval, the Collective prioritizes the survival of its communities, ensuring they have the resources and protection necessary to endure.
  • Self-Reliance: The Collective values both self-sufficiency and cooperation. While individual members strive to take care of their own needs, they also recognize the importance of community interdependence.
  • Non-Interference: The Collective generally avoids involvement in galactic conflicts or ideological disputes unless directly affected. They prefer neutrality and self-preservation over taking sides.
  • Equality of Contribution: Every person in the Collective is expected to contribute in whatever way they can, whether through labor, skills, or knowledge. Hard work and dedication are highly respected within the community.
  • Skepticism of High Ideals: Members of the Collective are wary of ideologies or movements that seek grand transformations of society. They believe these lofty goals often ignore the practical needs of ordinary people.


The Collective of Commonality is decentralized and non-hierarchical, with leadership emerging organically from within local communities. These communities operate autonomously, focusing on managing resources and meeting the immediate needs of their members.

  • Decentralized Leadership: Leadership within the Collective is localized, often determined by the specific needs of the community. There are no permanent leaders; instead, decisions are made through consensus and based on necessity.
  • Loose Affiliation: While the Collective spans multiple planets and species, its members are bound by shared practical concerns rather than racial or planetary origins. This loose affiliation makes the Collective flexible and adaptable, but also less organized than other factions.
  • Community Hubs: The Collective is composed of small, self-sufficient communities called hubs, often located on the fringes of more powerful factions' territories. These hubs are usually built in unclaimed or unwanted areas, such as fringe planets or derelict space stations.
  • Resource Exchange: The Collective practices a form of barter and mutual aid, with communities exchanging resources and services to ensure survival. While they engage in trade with other factions, they prefer to remain independent of large economic powers.

Interactions with Other Factions

The Collective of Commonality maintains a cautious relationship with other factions, preferring to avoid entanglement in their conflicts and agendas.

  • Ideological Factions: The Collective sees ideological factions as overly ambitious and disconnected from the realities of day-to-day life. While they may cooperate on occasion, the Collective tends to avoid adopting the grand ideals of these factions.
  • Economic Factions: Although the Collective engages in trade with economic factions, they are wary of becoming dependent on larger trade networks. Their goal is to create self-sustaining economies within their communities to avoid external influence.
  • Military Factions: The Collective generally avoids conflict and is viewed as insignificant by military factions. However, their resilience and resourcefulness make them difficult to conquer or control, should they ever be threatened.
  • Species-Based Factions: The Collective's open membership makes them a refuge for individuals from species-based factions who wish to leave behind rigid societal structures. They respect the cultural and biological needs of others but focus on shared practical goals.

Challenges and Conflicts

While the Collective aims to stay neutral and self-sufficient, they face various challenges due to their position on the outskirts of the galactic stage.

  • Resource Strain: As they often occupy fringe territories, the Collective's communities are vulnerable to resource shortages and environmental threats. This puts them in occasional conflict with wealthier, more powerful factions that control key resources.
  • Political Pressure: The Collective’s neutrality is sometimes challenged by larger factions who try to force them into alliances or exploit their need for trade. Blockades, tariffs, and other forms of economic pressure are commonly used to coerce them.
  • Cultural Differences: The Collective’s skepticism of technology and modern advancements can create tension with other factions that see them as backward or resistant to progress. However, the Collective’s members argue that their simple, pragmatic lifestyle is what ensures their long-term survival.


The Collective of Commonality represents the everyday people of the universe—those who simply want to survive, raise families, and live in peace. They reject the high ideals of other factions and focus on building resilient, self-reliant communities that can withstand the dangers of the cosmos. While not powerful or influential in the traditional sense, the Collective’s strength lies in its adaptability and commitment to practical solutions.