Solving Complex Problems Through Programming
Friday 18 March 2022 - Block 7
← previous note | most current note | next note →Daily Note
- We will review your survey responses (THANK YOU)
- We begin choosing our second design project.
- You will start thinking about your next project;
- This project must solve an authentic problem in the world.
- Just because something is authentic doesn't mean it's not fun or enjoyable for you to make.
- Games and recreation are not allowed for this project
- Please start asking me about ideas! I will help guide your thinking
- Your project must be at a suitable level of complexity
- Please click this link for past projects. There are tabs at the bottom of the spreadhseet with past-year projects.
A little less comfortable
You should have evidence your solution works. Evidence must come from anyone other than you.
The key thing here is the quality of your evidence. Good evidence is specific and detailed. Here's an example of some bad evidence:
You program worked, cool! <-- the reason this evidence is poor is because it isn't specific and detailed.
Perhaps a better example might look like this:
I used your program to find a guitar amplifier. I didn't understand what made one amplifier better than another, and It was cool to use the quiz to help me find a good model. I wish there was more information about the amplifiers, and maybe a sound clip from different amplifiers. The user interface is also easy to use, I liked the slider feature so I could see my progress. I wish I could read reviews from people who used the amplifier so I could get an idea from actual customers. <-- this is good evidence because it is very detailed and specific.
Your evaluation should:
- have detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
- critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product test
- explain how the solution could be improved
- explain the impact of the product on the client/target audience.
A little more comfortable
You should have evidence your solution works. Evidence must come from anyone other than you. One of the key differences is to have many in-depth interviews with many people (2 or 3 people), which indicate you have really tried to deeply understand your clients point of view and perspective.
The key thing here is the quality of your evidence. Good evidence is very specific and highly detailed. Here's an example of some bad evidence:
You program worked, cool! <-- the reason this evidence is poor is because it isn't specific and detailed.
Perhaps a better example might look like this:
I used your program to find a guitar amplifier. I didn't understand what made one amplifier better than another, and It was cool to use the quiz to help me find a good model. I wish there was more information about the amplifiers, and maybe a sound clip from different amplifiers. The user interface is also easy to use, I liked the slider feature so I could see my progress. I wish I could read reviews from people who used the amplifier so I could get an idea from actual customers. <-- this is good evidence because it is very detailed and specific.
If you want to reach higher, please watch people use your program without saying anything. Really listen and look as they are using your program. Ask open-ended questions such as "What would be most helpful to you?" and "How does this compare to other webistes you have used? What would make it better? "
Your evaluation should:
- have detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
- critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product test
- VERY SPECIFICALLY explain how the solution could be improved
- explain the impact of the product on the client/target audience.
Statement of Inquiry
The big idea for today is Design: Evaluation.
The essential questions for this topic are:
How do you know your design has solved the problem you set out to solve?
It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about
design: evaluation (which is connected to today's daily note),
please click here
We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.
Reminders & routines:
IF (today == testing_day_for_me) {
remember to go get tested!;
IF (this_block == first_block_day) {
IF (today == Friday) {
As I am taking attendance:
- Please check now: is visual studio code working from my programming folder?
Our learning
This is a beta feature. Please let me know if you have any feedback.
Please click here to reflect on our learning for today's class.