IB Year 1 Higher Level Computer Science
Friday 26 March 2021 - Block 1
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We will stay up to date with current events in technology and computer science!
We will review the internal assessment
Your job for todays class is to start thinking of a topic. I'll help guide your thinking and answer your questions, we will discuss some of your ideas so you can start to more carefully think about a topic.
A little less comfortable
Please ensure you carefully read the rubrics for each section of the IA. As a reminder:
- Criterion A – Planning – 6 marks
- Criterion B – Record of Tasks (RoT) and Design – 6 marks
- Criterion C – Development – 12 marks
- Criterion D – Functionality (Video) – 4 marks
- Criterion E – Evaluation – 6 marks
Please ensure you directly write about each part of each rubric.
The biggest problem I see with a student's IA is time management. It is important you allocate time so you complete your IA at high level and really read the rubric.
Your topic must be suitably complex. Please ensure you are perfectly clear about every work in your problem statement and your teacher has approved your success criteria.
A little more comfortable
Please ensure you carefully read the rubrics for each section of the IA. As a reminder:
- Criterion A – Planning – 6 marks
- Criterion B – Record of Tasks (RoT) and Design – 6 marks
- Criterion C – Development – 12 marks
- Criterion D – Functionality (Video) – 4 marks
- Criterion E – Evaluation – 6 marks
Please ensure you directly write about each part of each rubric. You should compare lower band in a rubric to a higher band in a rubric. For example, what is the difference between these two bands in section C?
5–8 The use of techniques demonstrates a moderate level of complexity and ingenuity in addressing the scenario identified in criterion A. It is characterized by some appropriate use of existing tools. There is some attempt to explain the techniques used and why they are adequate for the task. All sources are identified.
9–12 The use of techniques demonstrates a high level of complexity and ingenuity in addressing the scenario identified in criterion A. It is characterized by the appropriate use of existing tools. The techniques are adequate for the task and their use is explained. All sources are identified.
The biggest problem I see with a student's IA is time management. It is important you allocate time so you complete your IA at high level and really read the rubric.
Your topic must be highly complex. Please ensure you are perfectly clear about every word in your problem statement and your teacher has approved your success criteria.
Statement of Inquiry
The big idea for today is IA.
The essential questions for this topic are:
How do we create an authentic, technically challenging solution to a real world problem?
It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about
ia (which is connected to today's daily note),
please click here
We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.
Reminders & routines:
Please read and follow these reminders:
- IF today == testing_day_for_me:
remember to go get tested!
- IF today == Friday:
- If you come to me and quietly tell me the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name, I will give you on piece of candy.
Our learning
This is a beta feature. Please let me know if you have any feedback.
Please click here to reflect on our learning for today's class.